Saturday, April 20, 2013

France: Act UP-Paris Calls for Mobilisation Against Homophobic Violence

For equality, against homophobia
Call to rally Sunday, 21 April at Bastille

Act UP-Paris
Act Up-Paris calls for a rally this Sunday, 21 April 2013 in Paris, Place de la Bastille. Faced with the onslaught of hatred that hasengulfed all dykes, trans*, bies, fags, we demand equal rights.

The lack of equal rights maintains homo/lesbo/transphobia, promotes suicide and unsafe behavior vis-à-vis HIV/AIDS and STIs.

For all these reasons, we demand total equality of rights between heterosexual couples and homosexual couples - marriage, filiation; IFV open to all women - and opening of rights for trans* people – gender recognition based on affirmed gender with no cost and free choice in medical treatment. These measures should be accompanied by actual plans to fight against the violence and stigma that we experience daily.

More than a social issue, it is a practical necessity for us, trans, dykes, bies, intersex and fags.

Six months ago, our lives are the subject of a "debate" of whether we deserve the full rights due to us. For a week, the homophobes asked openly that our blood flow.

We no longer want to see their words in the media legitimized, to endure seeing their hatred towards us considered an acceptable part of discussion. Because in their eyes our lives have less value than the others: we die.

We decided to live. We refuse to see the street abandoned to violent and fascist groups that are homo/lesbo/transphobic, sexist, racist, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic. We refuse to see the growth of violence and threats against us.

Given the union of extreme right against equal rights, we call for solidarity. The heterosexuals who do not condone the violence perpetrated against us, must understand that their silence allows the homophobic acts. We demand full equality of rights and benefits for all minorities.

First Signatories
Act Up-Paris, Act Up-Sud Ouest, le P¡nk Bloc Paris, le SNEG, le STRASS, Gouine Comme Un Camion, AIDES, Étudions Gayment, le collectif Oui Oui Oui, Sortir du Colonialisme, le Caélif, Plug N’Play, les efFRONTé-e-s, MIF, LGBT Formation (Avignon), What The Film !, Txy, Collectif 8-Mars pour Toutes, Municigays (Marseille), Barbieturix, les Ours de Paris, Acceptess-T, Angel 91, le Collectif Cancan/Cockorico, l’Inter-LGBT, Hétéros au boulot, UEEH (universités d’été euroméditerrannéennes des homosexualités), Support Transgenre Strasbourg, la Fédération Total Respect / Tjenbé Rèd, les CHEFF (Belgique), Collectif Hétéros au boulot !, la Fédération des étudiants LGBTQI francophones de Belgique, Relais VIH de Rodez (12), Chrétiens&Sida, HBO (Homos et BiEs d’Orsay), Fédération Sportive Gaie et Lesbienne (FSGL), Centre LGBT Paris / Île-de-France, les Front Runners de Paris, King’s Queer, l’Organisation Internationale des Intersexes (OII France, Francophonie et Europe), ELCS (Elus Locaux Contre le Sida), les Petits Bonheurs, Solidaires Étudiant-es, David et Jonathan, Front de Lutte LGBT, Mouvement Français pour le Planning Familial, PopinGays, association LGBTP de l’ESTP, association ALGO du Quai d’Orsay, Les enfants d’Arc-En-Ciel, la FIDL, MPF (musulman-es progressistes de France), HM2F (homosexuel-les musulman-es de France), Collectif Gais Lurons, RAINBHOPITAL, Pari-T, les OUTragés de la République, CentrÉgaux, G.A.R.ç.E.S., R.O.S.A., l’ARDHIS, Keep Smiling, OUTrans, ID Trans, Les Flamands Roses, les AmiEs du Bus des Femmes, Association des Communistes Unitaires, Carrefour de Chrétiens Inclusifs, le Collectif du XVIème, la Fédération Syndicale Unitaire (FSU).

le NPA, Europe Ecologie Les Verts (EELV), les Jeunes Écologistes, la Gauche Anticapitaliste (GA), le Parti de Gauche, le Collectif Fier-e-s et Révolutionnaires, Union Pour le Communisme (Lyon), CENTR’EGAUX – Association des Centristes et Démocrates Lesbiennes Gays Bi Trans et GayFriendly, Les Alternatifs, La FASE (Fédération pour une alternative sociale et écologique), OCML Voie Prolétarienne, la Fédération Anarchiste, le Mouvement des Jeunes Socialistes (MJS).

Alternative Libertaire, Solidaires Paris.


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